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With any of our services, you select how to process payments from your customers:

Accept credit cards with any third-party "merchant account".

In order to accept credit or debit cards directly from your customers, you need what is called a "merchant account".  A merchant account can be obtained from a bank or through a merchant account provider.  Several merchant account options are available online.  Your customers provide you with their credit/debit card information, and your merchant account bills your customers in your name.

Any merchant account (new or existing) can be used with our services.  Your merchant account will use an Internet Payment Gateway to connect your merchant account with our service:

Our service communicates directly with your merchant account to bill your customers automatically.
All credit/debit cards are validated and charged in real-time during checkout.
Requires an "Internet Payment Gateway".  Click here for supported Internet gateway options and fee information.

Shopping for a new merchant account?
These merchant account options are certified to provide you with everything you need to easily integrate with our services.
View the certified list here.

"PayPal" is a third-party, online payment processor.

"PayPal" is a third-party, online payment processor that allows you to process credit/debit card payments through their web site.  Our service continues to capture order information, but sends each of your customers to your PayPal account (at for payment processing.  You can be sent an e-mail from PayPal to verify each time a payment has been successfully processed.

Visit PayPal's web site.
PayPal's integrated "Web Sites Payment Pro" service is also supported.  More information.

"Google Checkout" is a third-party, online payment processor.

"Google Checkout" is a third-party, online payment processor that allows you to process credit/debit card payments through their checkout system.  Our service continues to capture order information, but sends each of your customers through Google's checkout (at for payment processing.  You can be sent an e-mail from Google Checkout to verify each time a customer has successfully completed Google's checkout process.

Checks or money orders mailed directly to you.

A simple and inexpensive way to process payments from your customers is to accept mailed checks and/or money orders.  Our service allows you to display a special instructions message at checkout to customers who wish to pay you by check or money order.  Customers mail their payments directly to you.

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